Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The fortune of Alexander Grothendieck

Alexander Grothendieck born 1928/3/28 0:45 am

Life code: 5(5), 2(4), 4(4), 7(1)

Fortune started 1931: 3(5), 4(6), 5(7), 6(8), 7(9), 8(10), 9(11), 10(12), 1(1)

Alexander Grothendieck had too much Wood, so Fire-Earth served as favor. (6)(7)(8) are Fire-Earth fortunes, hence his success. Water-Wood served as foe, so he died in the 1(1) fortune which is Wood on Water, and (1) is the peak of Water.

Alexander Grothendieck is one of the most important mathematician in the 20th century, and a special one. Because he has never taken formal academical education, and he was very alienated from the academic world. He left the academic circles completely since 1970.

Here's the reason. First of all, some may ask, he had too much Wood, why Metal doesn't serve as favor? Yes, Metal overcomes Wood. But he also had a lot of Water. Metal, especially the first Metal fortune he had, (9), would construct a full merge to Water and transfer power back to Wood. That's why I always pick two favor elements instead of three. With too much Wood, you either have Fire-Earth as favor, or Earth-Metal. Not Fire, Earth and Metal. In his case, Metal is not his favor, and not a foe, either. That's why he lived through Metal fortunes, just stopped doing math.

By the way, the turning year from his Fire-Earth fortune to Metal fortune was 1971. It was the year he went from stateless to be a French. It shows becoming a French wasn't very ideal for him.

The fortune of André Weil

André Weil born 1906/5/6

Life code: 3(7), 10(6), 7(11)

Fortune started 1916: 1(7), 2(8), 3(9), 4(10), 5(11), 6(12), 7(1), 8(2), 9(3)

André Weil Fire stronger than Metal-Water, since (7)(6)(11) are all Fire, (11) is counted to Fire for it merges (7) to Fire. So Metal-Water served as favor. (9)(10)(11)(12)(1)(2) is the Metal-Water semicircle. He spent most of his life in favor fortunes hence his success. Then he died in the next fortune (3), the (3) year of the (3) fortune to be specific, because (3) is the start of Wood-Fire semicircle, and (3)(7)(11) formed a full merge to Fire. Fire served as foe and caused his death.

The fortune of Adrien-Marie Legendre

Adrien-Marie Legendre born 1752/9/18, a possible hour

Life code: 9(1), 6(10), 6(6), 2(2)

Fortune started 1758: 7(11), 8(12), 9(3), 10(4), 1(5), 2(6)

Adrien-Marie Legendre had too much Earth-Metal, or we can say his Authority (Wood) is over controlled. Either way, Water-Wood served as favor. (12)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) are the Water-Wood fortunes, hence his success, and he died in the next fortune (6), because (6) merges (10) and a possible (2) to Metal as favor. The actual date was the (5) day of the (2) month in the (5) year. (2) and (5) are both Earth that supports Metal, and (5)(2) both merge (10) to Metal. Metal served as foe and caused his death.

The fortune of Reinhard Genzel

Reinhard Genzel born 1952/3/24

Life code: 9(5), 10(4), 6(6)

Fortune started 1956: 1(5), 2(6), 3(7), 4(8), 5(9), 6(10), 7(11), 8(12)

Reinhard Genzel has too much Water-Wood, so Earth-Metal serves as favor. 5(9), 6(10) and 7(11) are Earth-Metal fortunes, hence his success and the Nobel Prize reward.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The fortune of Louise Glück

Louise Glück born 1943/4/22

Life code: 10(8), 3(5), 7(11)

Fortune started 1948: 4(6), 5(7), 6(8), 7(9), 8(10), 9(11), 10(12), 1(1)

Louise Glück has too much Earth since (8)(5)(11) are all Earth, so Water serves as favor. (5) contains Water and can be merged to Water with (9) or (1), and (1) has more Water than (9), since (1) is the peak stage of Water. 2020 is the (1) year in her (1) fortune. The power of Water reaches the peak, hence her Nobel Prize.

The fortune of Michael Houghton

Michael Houghton born 1949/6/14

Life code: 6(2), 7(7), 6(12)

Fortune started 1951 at the age of 2: 6(6), 5(5), 4(4), 3(3), 2(2), 1(1), 10(12), 9(11)

Michael Houghton has Fire-Earth stronger than Water, so Water serves as favor. 2020 is the (1) year in the (12) fortune. (12)(1)(2) formed a full gather to Water. The power of Water reached to the peak, hence his Nobel Prize. In 2021 he will enter the (11) fortune which is Earth that contains Fire, so his biggest success and downfall are really close to each other.

The fortune of Andrea M. Ghez

Andrea M. Ghez born 1965/6/16

Life code: 2(6), 9(7), 8(2)

Fortune started 1972 at the age of 7: 10(8), 1(9), 2(10), 3(11), 4(12), 5(1), 6(2), 7(3)

Andrea M. Ghez has too much Fire so Water serves as favor. 2020 is the (1) year of her (12) fortune. (12)(1)(2) formed a full gather to Water as favor, hence her Nobel Prize. She has one step of favor fortune (1) ahead of her, so she is capable for further success.

The fortune of Roger Penrose

Roger Penrose born 1931/8/8

Life code: 8(8), 2(8), 2(8)

fortune started 1941, at the age of 10: 1(7), 10(6), 9(5), 8(4), 7(3), 6(2), 5(1), 4(12), 3(11)

Roger Penrose is an overall weak for having too much Fire-Earth, as (8) is Earth that contains Fire. So Water-Wood serves as favor. (5)(4)(3)(2)(1)(12) are the Wood-Water fortunes, so he will die in the next fortune 3(11) which means next year. But before that, 2020 is the (1) year in the (12) fortune, the power of Water reached to the peak, hence his Nobel Prize.

The fortune of Robert B. Wilson

Robert B. Wilson born 1937/5/16

Life code: 4(2), 2(6), 10(4)

Fortune started 1940: 1(5), 10(4), 9(3), 8(2), 7(1), 6(12), 5(11), 4(10), 3(9)

Robert B. Wilson is an overall weak so Metal-Water served as favor. He is entering the (9) fortune in 2020, and 2020 is a (1) year. (9) supports and merges (1) to Water. The power of Water reached to the peak, hence his Nobel Prize in 2020.

Friday, October 23, 2020

The fortune of JP Morgan

JP Morgan born 1837/4/17

Life code: 4(2), 1(5), 7(3)

Fortune started at the age of 4: 10(4), 9(3), 8(2), 7(1), 6(12), 5(11), 4(10)

The strongest element in JP Morgan's life code was Earth, so Water-Wood served as favor to overcome it. Or we can say he was an overall strong with Money (Wood) as favor, that's why he was a businessman. (4)(3)(2)(1)(12) were Wood-Water fortunes. He spent most of his life in favor fortunes hence his success. (10) is the peak of Metal and Metal overcomes Wood so he died in the (10) fortune. The actual year was 1913. It was the (2) year of the (10) fortune. (2) merged and supported (10) to Metal. The power of Metal reached to the peak and caused his death.

The fortune of Chester Nimitz

Chester Nimitz born 1885.2.24 12:30 pm

Life code: 2(10), 5(3), 7(11), 9(7)

Fortune started at the age of 7: 4(2), 3(1), 2(12), 1(11), 10(10), 9(9), 8(8)

Obviously, Chester Nimitz had too much Fire as (3)(7)(11) formed a full merge to Fire, and his Metal (10) was vulnerable. Therefore, Fire served as foe and Metal served as favor.

Throughout his life, he had (2)(1)(12) the three steps of Water, and (11)(10)(9) the three steps of Metal. He was successful because he spent most of his life in favor fortunes, and died in the next fortune (8), because (8) starts the Wood-Fire semicircle. Nimitz had too much Fire because he had (3)(7)(11) which formed a full merge to Fire, and he died in a similar time, the (11) day of the (3) month in a (7) year. The time itself formed a full merge to Fire. Fire served as foe and caused his death.

The fortune of Erin Valenti

Erin Valenti born 1986/10/16

Life code: 3(3), 5(11), 10(6)

Fortune started 1989: 4(10), 1999: 3(9), 2009 2(8), 2019 1(7)

I learned Erin Valenti's story in the same youtube channel as the one I mentioned in my previous blog. Erin Valenti's death in 2019 aroused discussion among mystery lovers because she mentioned matrix before her missing. But her death isn't mysterious at all in the fortune telling point of view.

Obviously, she had too much Fire-Earth, so she was very weak. (10) and (9) are Metal fortune that weakened Fire-Earth; 2(8) is Wood on Wood tomb, Wood controlled Earth so she was safe in the previous 3 steps of fortunes. She entered (7) fortune in 2019 and died, because (7) is the peak of Fire, and (3)(7)(11) formed a full merge to Fire. Fire served as foe and caused her death.

Friday, October 9, 2020

The fortune of Michael Dippolito

Michael Dippolito born 1970/12/18

Life code: 7(11), 5(1), 9(9)

fortune started 1977, at the age of 7: 6(2), 7(3), 8(4), 9(5), 10(6), 1(7), 2(8), 3(9)

You may know Michael Dippolito's story since it is adapted to an episode of Cops. I didn't know it until I watch the story on a YouTube channel. It's a mystery channel, and it didn't show me the answer in the beginning. Instead, it reviles the twist in the end. However, I found the answer before it was reviled to me.

This is how it tells the story: In Aug 5 of 2009, Dalia Dippolito came home and police told her that her husband, Michael Dippolito, was killed. Ect... Then it started to introduce Dalia and Michael's background. You know me, I like to study people's life code, so I was looking at their life code when listening to the story. The narrator said, Michael was a gangster and was in jail. But miraculously, he was re-behaved by the prison. He started a serious business in 2007, and started to compensate his previous victims.

At that point, I was like, I can explain it. Michael Dippolito has too much Water, so Earth serves as favor to overcome Water. Before 2007, he had (3) and (4) fortunes. (3) and (4) are both Wood that overcomes Earth which is his favor element. That's why he became a criminal. He entered (5) fortune in 2007, (5) is Earth as favor, and (5) crushes (11) to make Earth even stronger, that's the reason of his correction.

At that moment, I still thought Michael Dippolito was killed because the narrator told me in the beginning. I didn't pay attention on the time of his murder and I forgot it. I searched his name on google, it shows, Michael Dippolito Born: December 18, 1970 (age 49 years) Spouse: Dalia Dippolito (m. 2009–2011). So I was like: OK, he was killed in 2011. It makes sense. Although (5) is an Earth fortune, it contains Water-Wood. 2011 was a (4) year, the power of Wood reached to a peak. Wood killed Earth and caused his death.

Then I wanted to look into the exact date of his murder, because murder is a sudden event, the date is important, too. So I scrolled the video to the beginning. I was like, NANI? Because I knew 2009/8/5 was the (7) day of the (8) month in the (2) year. It was a Fire-Earth extreme date, Fire-Earth serves as his favor so there's no why he was killed in that day. That's why in the end, when the truth reviled, that Dalia was hiring killer to kill her husband, and police staged the scene to get her, Michael wasn't murdered at all, I was not surprised. I was spoiled by my fortune telling technique, I knew he wasn't dead before anybody told me.

You may think that I was stupid. Michael divorced Dalia in 2011, how could he be killed in 2009? It was my relaxing time, I wasn't sharp and ready to find loopholes. By the way, let's look at Dalia's fortune

Dalia Dippolito born 1982/10/18

Life code: 9(11), 7(11), 1(11)

Fortune started 1985: 6(10), 5(9), 4(8), 3(7), 2(6), 1(5), 10(4), 9(3)

Obviously, Dalia has too much Fire-Earth, because (11) is Earth that contains Fire. So Metal-Water serves as favor. (10) and (9) are Metal as favor, that's why she had a good childhood. 4(8) is Fire on Earth as foe, that's why she became as sex worker. That's how she first met Micheal, as a sex worker. The show didn't say when did she start to have trouble, but her fortune says 2005. Like I said before, the date of Michael's "murder" was a Fire-Earth extreme day, Michael has Fire-Earth as favor so he could not be killed. On the other hand, Dalia has Fire-Earth as foe, so she blew up and got caught in that day. (8)(7)(6) are Fire fortunes as foe, that's means her bad time will last to 2035.

The fortune of Andreas Pereira

Andreas Pereira born 1996/1/1

Life code: 2(12), 5(1), 4(10)

Fortune started 2004 at the age of 9: 4(12), 3(11), 2(10), 1(9), 10(8), 9(7), 8(6)

Andreas Pereira is a soccer player for Lazio, on loan from Manchester United. Pereira has too much Metal-Water, so Wood-Fire serves as favor. He has Metal-Water fortunes for the first half of his life, but (11) is the bounce back of Fire in the Metal-Water fortunes. And his (11) fortune is 3(11) which is Fire on Fire tomb. That's why he becomes a soccer player in this fortune: his 3(11) fortune started 2014, and 2014 was exactly the year of his professional debut, with Man United. Man United is a great club, he had a great start of career because he was entering favor fortune, and 2014 was a (7) year which is Fire as favor.

After the great start, his development is disappointing, especially in 2019 and 2020. That's because the years are Metal-Water as foe since 2016. 2019 and 2020 are Water years (12) and (1). So this is his future: his low will continue since 2020 and 2021 are (1) and (2) years. But he can perform good in 2022 and 2023, because (3) and (4) are Wood as favor. And (3)(4) both merge the fortune (11) to Fire as favor, (3)(4) also merge (12) to Wood as favor. So his peak will be 2022 and 2023.

So this is the dilemma: in the previous blog with Wesley Hoedt, I mentioned he will do good in 2021, but Lazio shouldn't buy him out because his luck will run out in 2022. On the contrary, Pereira will not do good in 2021 but Lazio should keep him for his best years in 2022 and 2023. This is the best case scenario, but no likely to happen. In reality, if the loaned player performs good, he will stay; If the loaned player performs bad, he will be returned. There's no way to know the good player will do bad in the next year and the bad player will do good. That's why a fortune teller like me can benefit a sport club hugely.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

The fortune of Bill Gates

 Bill Gates born 1955/10/28

Life code: 2(8), 3(11), 9(11), 7(11)

fortune started 1962, at the age of 7: 2(10), 1(9), 10(8), 9(7), 8(6), 7(5), 6(4), 5(3) 

Bill Gates yields to Fire-Earth, that's a tested fact. Although there is a controversy about his birth hour, it is a tested that he has Fire-Earth as favor which means he yields. The Fire fortunes are (8)(7)(6) which is 1982 to 2012. Obviously that's his success period. We can even zoom in and look at the years to prove that he has Fire as favor and Water as foe:

(7) is the peak of Fire so the best years of Bill gates started 1992

Year 1993, 10(10), is the first year in the 9(7) fortune. The year was Metal and Water as foe, but the fortune was good. Nothing bad happened to Bill Gates because fortune is stronger than year, (10) is Rose for Bill Gates, so he got married in that year.

Year 1994, 1(11), (11) can be merged to Fire. His wealth was grown rapidly in that year. Because he spent too much money on his wedding and collection such as the Codex Leicester, people think he should donate some of his money. Bill Gates refused the public demand because (11) is his Money storage, the nature of storage is to store.

1995, 2(12), was a good year. (12) grows 2, 2 serves as Talent grows Money. Talent represents product, so he wrote his book in that year.

In 1996, the year is (1), (1) crushes (7) indicates Bill Gates had fierce competition. In this year, Bill Gates defeated his major enemy; his wealth was grown to 18.5 billion, made him the richest person in the world for the first time.

In 1997, (2), (8) and (11) construct a punishment; Bill Gates dropped from the top of the Forbes list, and he was being investigated government of United States.

1998 was a 5(3) year, (3), (7) and (11) formed a full merge to Fire, the power of Fire reached the peak. It was the best year in the best fortune, which made biggest success: Windows 98 was the biggest success in the history of Microsoft.

1999 was a 6(4) year, (4) and (11) merged and became Fire again. His wealth reached the peak of those years at $90 billion.

2000 was 7(5). 7(5) is Metal on Water tomb. (11) was crushed with the year (5). Money storage being opened indicates money came out: Bill Gate's wealth dropped from $90 billion to $60 billion, and his company Microsoft almost got dismembered.

2001 was 8(6) year. A Fire year, Microsoft survived the law suit and started to recover.

2002 was 9(7), the fortune came to 8(6). Recover continued.

2003 was 10(8), the fortune was 8(6). Recover continued.

2004 was 1(9), 2005 was 2(10), the foe Metal reached its peak. Those were the busiest years for Microsoft’s legal team because Bill Gates had so many lawsuits and troubles in those two years.

2006 was 3(11), the favor Fire and Fire storage came back. Most lawsuits ended in this year, and Bill Gates was back on the top of the Forbes list.

2007 4(12), Water years started. Some politics happened inside Microsoft, Bill Gates resigned the chairman position, Windows Vista was an epic fail and he lost the top position on the Forbes list again.

2008 5(1), (1) is the peak of Water. Bill Gates retired from Microsoft. 

The previous content proves Water serves Bill Gates as foe, and it is very obvious. So when does he have the most Water in his life time? It is 2020. The year (1) merges fortune (5) to Water. That's why the reputation of Bill Gates dropped to the bottom.

The fortune of Keith J. Krach

 Keith J. Krach born 1957/4/1

Life code: 4(10), 10(4), 10(4)

Fortune started 1966, at the age of 9: 9(3), 8(2), 7(1), 6(12), 5(11), 4(10), 3(9), 2(8)

The center of Keith J. Krach's life code is obviously the crush between (10) and (4), and (4) is obviously stronger than (10) because (4) takes the command, and there are two (4)s. Therefore, Metal serves as favor. (11)(10)(9) is the Metal fortunes, and his success time period. He is now in the (10) fortune, and (10) is the peak of Metal, that's why he becomes United States Under Secretary of State. His success will last to 2036, that's a long time. And 2021 will be the (2) year of his (10) fortune. (2) merges and supports (10) to Metal as favor, which indicates big success.

In another word, it confirms that 2021 will be an extension of 2020, it follows 2020, instead of changing it, in both domestic and international ways. Because KJK is in charge of the Taiwan issue.

The fortune of Hillary Clinton

 Hillary Clinton born 1947/10/26

Life code: 4(12), 7(11), 5(3)

fortune started 1952, at the age of 5: 8(12), 9(1), 10(2), 1(3), 2(4), 3(5), 4(6), 5(7)

Hillary Clinton has Strength (11) at command, and (3) merges (11) to Fire as Shield. So she is an overall strong with Authority (Wood) as favor. Authority represents politics so she becomes a politician. (12)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) is the Water-Wood semicircle, hence her success as a politician. She has left favor fortune since 2012, hence her defeat. 2021 will be the (2) year in her (6) fortune, (2) merges (6) to Metal and Metal attacks Wood, so 2021 will be a harsh year for her to live.

This blog and the previous one are basically saying that the political atmosphere of 2021 will be the same. Someone's attempt to save their asses is a waste of resource.

The fortune of Barack Obama

 Barack Obama born 1961/8/4

Life code: 8(2), 2(8), 6(6)

fortune started 1970, at the age of 9: 1(7), 10(6), 9(5), 8(4), 7(3), 6(2), 5(1), 4(12)

Barack Obama has too much Fire-Earth, so he is an overall strong with Authority (Wood) as favor. Authority represents politics therefore he becomes a politician. His Wood fortunes (5)(4)(3) is 1990 to 2020. This time period basically marks his career success in politics. Since 2020, he is having 6(2) fortune which is Earth on Earth as foe. And (2) crushes the root of Wood (8), so his failure is started. 2020 is a (1) year, (1) is Water that supports Wood, but 2021 will be the (2) year of the (2) fortune. It will be the worst year in his life.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The fortune of Wesley Hoedt

Wesley Hoedt born 1994/3/6

Life code: 1(11), 4(4), 8(4)

Fortune started 2004, age 10: 5(5), 6(6), 7(7), 8(8), 9(9), 10(10), 1(11), 2(12)

Wesley Hoedt is a Dutch soccer player. Right now, Lazio is urgently need a defender, loaning Hoedt back became the last option.

Hoedt has too much Wood so Earth-Metal serves as favor. That's why 2015 to 2018 was the growing period of his career: 2015 to 2018 are (8)(9)(10)(11) years, all Earth-Metal. He made it to the Holland national team in 2017 for his growth 2015 to 2017 with Lazio. He was sold 16m Euros to Premier League. In 2018, Hoedt's value reached to the peak, as 18m Euros according to transfermarkt. Then his value declines. He worth 12m with Celta de Vigo, 8m with Antwerp, and he worth 6.5m currently according to transfermakt.

It sounds like a bad deal since Hoedt is going down. But he was going down for not having a good fortune. His value peaked in 2018 because it was a Earth year (11). Then (12) and (1) both supports Wood as foe. 2021 will be a 8(2) year. Not only it is Metal on Earth as favor, (2) also merges the fortune (6) to Metal as favor. So his performance will exceed people's expectation in 2021. It can be a good deal. The key is, he will be performing good for one year. You need to get rid of him before 2022.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The fortune of Wang Qun

Wang Qun born 1960/1/26

Life code: 6(12), 4(2), 10(2)

Fortune started 1966, at the age of 7: 3(1), 2(12), 1(11), 10(10), 9(9)

Wang Qun was a Chinese actor, film director, action choreographer and martial artist. He died 2008. In fact, he was Jet Li's senior, but he didn't have a protagonist face, so he mostly worked as the action choreographer. All action stars can be action choreographers.

In the fortune telling perspective, he had too much Metal-Water, or we can say he was born in the (2) month, so Wood-Fire served as favor. However, he lived his entire life in the Metal-Water fortunes, that's the fortune telling reason that why he was unlucky in acting. (11) is the bounce back of Fire in the Metal-Water codes, that's why he had breakthrough in the (11) fortune. He entered (11) fortune in 1986, and he won the Golden Eagle Award for the 1986 TV series Zhen San. That's the only deed mentioned in his English wiki page. Obviously, 1986 was the peak of his career.

He died 2008 for obvious reason: 2008 was the (1) year of the (9) fortune. (9) supported and merged (1) to Water as foe, The power of Water reached to the peak and caused his death. The medical cause of death was heart attack, because Fire represents heart, Fire being killed by Water indicates heart attack.

The fortune of Daisy and Violet Hilton

Daisy and Violet Hilton born 1908/2/5

Life code: 4(8), 10(2), 7(3)

Fortune started 1908, age 0: 1(3), 2(4), 3(5), 4(6), 5(7), 6(8), 7(9)

Daisy and Violet Hilton were English entertainers, who were conjoined twins. They were born in the (2) month, so Wood-Fire served as favor. (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8) is the Wood-Fire semicircle, hence their success. Their favor fortune started early, that's why they started to perform very early. The (9) fortune came in 1968, and they died in the January of 1969 which was still 1968. In fact, they died the winter of the (9) year in the (9) fortune. Because (9) is the turning point from Wood-Fire to Metal-Water. They had a career decline before the (9) fortune, they lost chances to act since 1961 and became cashiers, because (8) fortune has less Fire than (9).

The fortune of Dovima

Dovima born 1927/12/11 a deducted hour 9 pm to 11 pm

Life code: 4(4), 9(1), 6(4), 2(12)

Fortune started 1936, at the age of 9: 10(2), 1(3), 2(4), 3(5), 4(6), 5(7)

Dovima had too much Water-Wood, and she yielded to Water-Wood, so Water-Wood served as favor. 1(3) and 2(4) are the strongest Wood fortunes, that's why she made huge success in fashion at that time. In her original structure, she had a little bit Fire that countered the structure. That's why she died 1990 which is a (7) year of the (7) fortune, as (7) is the peak of Fire. In fact, her fortune was gradually getting worst after the 2(4) fortune instead going from good to bad in a sudden. So she suffered a long term decline before her death. In the latter half of her life, she was working as a host in a pizza store.

The fortune of Sarah Hyland

Sarah Hyland born 1990/11/24

Life code: 7(7), 4(12), 10(6)

Fortune started 1996, at the age of 6: 3(11), 2(10), 1(9), 10(8), 9(7), 8(6), 7(5), 6(4)

Sarah Hyland has Water (12) at command, but it is surrounded by Fire (6)(7) and 4. And she must have more Fire-Earth in the hour column, likely to be 6(8). So Metal-Water serves as favor. (10) and (9) are Metal that support Water, hence her success as an actress.

I mentioned it many times that Water represents kidney. Her Water is too weak so she has kidney problem. She had donated kidneys in 2012 and 2017 from her father and brother. Both years were Metal-Water years in the Metal fortune. However, she will leave the Metal fortunes in 2026, and the following fortunes (8)(7)(6) are the three steps of Fire as foe. It means there's no more method to extend her life. Although I listed 7 steps of fortune like I always do, there's no way she can live that long.

The fortune of Benny Chan

Benny Chan born 1961/10/7

Life code: 8(2), 4(10), 10(10)

Fortune started 1970, at the age of 9: 3(9), 2(8), 1(7), 10(6), 9(5)

Benny Chan was a Hong Kong movie director, he died 2020. Obviously, he had too much Metal, so Fire served as favor to overcome Metal. (8)(7)(6) are the three steps of Fire, hence his success. He entered 9(5) fortune in 2020. (5) is the bounce back of Water in the Wood-Fire semicircle. And (5) can be merged to Metal-Water as foe. 2020 is a (1) year. (5) merges (1) to Water; (5) also merges (10) to Metal. Metal-Water served as foe and caused his death.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The fortune of Machiko Kyo

Machiko Kyo born 1924/3/25

Life code: 1(1), 4(4), 10(4)

Fortune started 1930, at the age of 6: 3(3), 2(2), 1(1), 10(12), 9(11), 8(10), 7(9), 6(8), 5(7)

Machiko Kyo was a Japanese actress. Besides Japan, she also has international reputation because she is the actress in the classic movie Rashomon. You may be not familiar with Japanese names, but if you saw Roshomon, you know who she is, because there was almost only one female in that movie. Obviously, she had too much Wood as Talent, and that's why she was an actress. Usually, when you have too much Talent, you should repress it with Shield. However, being in show business, you don't have to repress your Talent, you just need to have enough strength to back it. In another word, she had Metal-Water as favor.

Machiko Kyo started to shoot movie since 1949, and she made great success very soon in 1950 for Roshomon. Because she entered (1) fortune in 1950. (1) is the peak of Water, hence her success. Other than Roshomon, she biggest success was in 1956, when she played a leading role in a Japanese-American co-production movie with Marlon Brando in it, and received a Oscar nomination. Why? Because 1956 was the (9) year of the (1) fortune. (9) supported and merged (1) to Water as favor. The (1) is the peak Water fortune she had, and the (9) year is the peak Water year in the fortune.

Machiko Kyo came back to theater from the movie industry in the 1970s, because her company, Daiei Film, broke in 1971. This actually also shown in her fortune: in the 1970s, she had (11) fortune. (11) is the bounce back of Fire in the Metal-Water fortunes. She died at the age of 95, so I don't think it necessarily marks the worst time of her life. But still she died in the (7) fortune which is the peak of Fire. Your peak was in the (1) fortune, and your death was in the (7) fortune. It makes a lot of sense, because (7) is the opposite of (1).

Friday, September 18, 2020

The fortune of Oh In Hye

Oh In Hye born 1984/1/4

Life code: 10(12), 1(1), 4(2)

Fortune started 1984, at the age of 1: 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5)

Oh In-hye was a South Korean actress. She died 2020/9/14. She also born and died in the similar time as our previous two examples. But for a different reason. She had too much Metal-Water. So Wood-Fire served as favor and Metal-Water served as foe. 3(3) and 4(4) are Wood-Fire fortune, that's why she became an actress. 2020 is the (1) year in the (5) fortune. (1) merges (5) to Water as foe, and caused her death.

The fortune of Sei Ashina

Sei Ashina born 1983/11/22

Life code: 10(12), 10(12), 1(3)

Fortune started 1989 at the age 6: 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4)

Sei Ashina was a Japanese actress, she died 2020/9/14. She had too much Water-Wood, so Fire-Earth served as favor, and Water-Wood served as foe. She started up in the entertaining business in 2002, which is the (11) year of the (2) fortune. (11) and (2) are both Earth as favor. She died 2020 which is the (1) year of the (4) fortune. (1) is the peak of Water and (4) is the peak of Wood. Water-Wood served as foe, and caused her death.

Sei Ashina and the previous example in our blog, Alien Huang, born in the similar time, entered the show business in the similar time, and died in the similar time. However, in the fortune telling level, their causes of death are not exactly the same.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The fortune of Alien Huang

Alien Huang born 1983/11/28

Life code: 10(12), 10(12), 7(9)

Fortune started 1990, at the age of 7: 9(11), 8(10), 7(9), 6(8)

Alien Huang was a Taiwanese singer, actor, television presenter, illustrator and fashion designer. He died 2020/9/16. His life code is a extreme one, it is all Metal-Water. So he yielded to Metal-Water. (11)(10)(9) is the three steps of Metal. Metal served as favor hence his success. He entered (8) fortune in 2020 and died. Because (8) is the beginning of the Fire fortunes. Fire countered Metal-Water and caused his death.

The fortune of Cha Shao-Kwong

Cha Shao-Kwong born 1961/9/15

life code: 8(2), 4(10), 8(12)

fortunes started 1964, at the age of 3: 3(9), 2(8), 1(7), 10(6), 9(5), 8(4), 7(3), 6(2)

Cha Shao-Kwong is a Singaporean retired actor best known for acting in many Chinese-language television series produced by MediaCorp Channel 8. He was prominently a full-time Mediacorp artiste from 1985 to 2005. Actor community in Singapore is small, so he basically in every every TV series. From 1999 to 2004, he won best actor in the Star Award every year. And he won the most popular actor 10 times as of 2004. He retied in 2005 without any obvious reason. It was shocking because he was still young.

Cha has too much Metal, so Fire serves as favor, (8)(7)(6) is the three steps of Fire, so that's why he made a success. He entered the 9(5) fortune in 2004, that's why he retired soon. 9(5) is Water on Water tomb. (5) also can be merged to Metal-Water as foe. In another word, his early retirement is totally understandable in the fortune telling level.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The fortune of Samuel Eilenberg

Samuel Eilenberg born 1913/9/30

Life code: 10(2), 8(10), 1(3)

Fortune started at the age of 7: 7(9), 6(8), 5(7), 4(6), 3(5), 2(4), 1(3), 10(2)

Samuel Eilenberg had too much Metal, so Wood-Fire served as favor for attacking Metal. (8)(7)(6)(5)(4)(3) is the Wood-Fire semicircle, he was successful because he lived most of his life in favor fortune, and died in the next fortune (2), because (2) is the start of Metal-Water fortunes for him. He died 1998/1/30, it was the (2) day of the (2) month in the (2) year of his (2) fortune.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The fortune of Pranab Mukherjee

Pranab Mukherjee born 1935/12/11

Life code: 2(12), 5(1), 8(10)

Fortune started 1936, at the age of 1: 4(12), 3(11), 2(10), 1(9), 10(8), 9(7), 6(6), 7(5), 6(4)

Pranab Mukherjee had Water-Wood stronger than Earth-Metal, so Earth-Metal served as favor. 7(5) is Metal on Earth, and (5) merges (10) to Metal. The power of Earth-Metal reached to the peak, that's why he became the president of India in this fortune. The actual year was 2012, the (5) year in the (5) fortune.

He died 2020, the (1) year in the (4) fortune. (1) is the peak of Water; (4) is the peak of Wood, the power of foe reached to the peak, caused his death. In reality, the cause of death was Covid-19, again proved what I said, people with Water as foe are extra vulnerable in the pandemic.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The fortune of Erin O'Toole

Erin O'Toole born 1973/1/22

Life code: 9(1), 10(2), 5(7)

Fortune started 1977, at the age of 5: 1(3), 2(4), 3(5), 4(6), 5(7), 6(8), 7(9)

Erin O'Toole has Water stronger than Fire, and he was born in the (2) month. Either way, he has Fire as favor. (7) is the peak of Fire. He entered (7) fortune in 2017, and 2017 Conservative leadership campaign was his breakthrough indeed.

In another word, O'Toole is in the best fortune of his life, that's why he becomes the leader of conservative party of Canada. Justin Trudeau is in bad fortune that's why he is in deep trouble. According to procedure, he can be removed because of his corruption. If he is not removed, the next election will be in 2023. O'Toole will win it, because it will be the (4) year of his (7) fortune. (4) is the peak of Wood and (7) is the peak of Fire, Wood-Fire serves as favor, there's no way he will not win.

But that is not what I want. Because one of the best time of O'Toole is 2022 and 2023. If you have a good time, you will success whatever you do. I want him to be successful as the PM of Canada, so we can share his success as Canadians. It is a huge waste for him to be successful as the leader of the Official Opposition of Canada. Because you are not using your success to do constructive work. O'Toole's success will not be long. His fortune will decline since 2027 and his favor fortune will end completely since 2037. I want the high carbon steel on the blade, which means I hope we remove Trudeau right away instead of waiting for the next election.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The fortune of Alphonso Davies

Alphonso Davies born 2000/11/2

Life code: 7(5), 3(11), 1(1)

Fortune started at the age of 2: 4(12), 5(1), 6(2), 7(3), 8(4), 9(5), 10(6), 1(7)

Alphonso Davies is a Canadian soccer player currently playing for Bayren Munich. He is an overall weak, and Water serves as the main favor in the original life code. (12) and (1) are Water fortunes, hence his success. 2020 is the (1) year in the (1) fortune. (1) is the peak of Water, hence the great success he made in this year.

Usually, for a north American soccer player, being able to stand firmly in a European club is a success already. Never have I seen a player not only can play for a European club, but also able to improve a top European club to the next level. That's how big the success Alphonso Davies makes. And he is 19 years old, amazing.

The million dollar question for the manager is, how will he develop? How much will he worth over the years? Unfortunately, he will hit a wall in 2022, at the age of 22. Because he will enter the 6(2) fortune which is Earth on Earth as foe. Because of his age, most people will expect large progress from him. But his development will be under expectation.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The fortune of Pamela Reif

Pamela Reif born 1996/7/9

Life code: 3(1), 2(8), 4(8)

Fortune started 1997 at the age of 1: 1(7), 10(6), 9(5), 8(4), 7(3), 6(2)

Pamela Reif's life code is about Fire-Earth vs. Water. Fire-Earth is clearly stronger since it is double (8)s vs. Water (1). So Water serves as favor. Throughout her life, she lives in the Fire-Wood fortunes generally. The obvious Water fortune is 9(5). First of all, (5) is the rebound of Water in the Fire-Wood semicircle like I said many time. Then, (5) merges (1) to Water. Finally, it is 9(5) which is Water on Water tomb.

Pamela Reif created a software Pamstrong in 2017, and becomes supper popular in 2019 and 2020. Why? because 2017 is the year she entered the favor fortune 9(5). 2019 and 2020 are the Water years (12) and (1) in the 9(5) fortune. In another word, she is having the best years of the best fortune which means the best time of her life.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The fortune of Federico Fellini

Federico Fellini born 1920/1/20 21:00

Life code: 6(8), 4(2), 4(2), 7(11)

Fortune started 1924, at the age of 4: 3(1), 2(12), 1(11), 10(10), 9(9), 8(8), 7(7)

Federico Fellini had all of his life codes Earth-Metal, so he yield to Earth-Metal. That's why he died in the (7) fortune. Because Fire countered Earth-Metal.

Technically, (1)(12) are Water fortunes; (11)(10)(9)(8) are Earth-Metal fortunes. He was successful because he spent all his life in favor fortunes except the one he die in. However, if you want to be specific, only (11)(10)(9) are Metal fortunes. It started 1944, and he started his career in 1945. To be more specific, only (10) and (9) are real Metal fortunes. It started 1954, and that's why his real breakthrough happened in 1954 with the movie La Strada (1954).

The fortune of Hibari Misora

Hibari Misora born 1937/5/29

Life code: 4(2), 2(6), 3(5)

Fortune started at the age of 2: 3(7), 4(8), 5(9), 6(10), 7(11), 8(12)

Hibari Misora had too much Earth-Metal, and Fire served as favor. Earth is the strongest element, and Earth served as Talent, that's why she was a singer. She started to have Earth fortune (8) at the age 12. That's why she started to sing professionally at the age of 12. She entered (12) fortune at the age of 52, and she died at the age of 52. Because the root of Fire in her life code is (6), and (12) crushed on (6) caused her death. This is a typical case of people having the command code as favor die at the 6th fortune. I have shown you many examples previously.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

The fortune of Frances Allen

Frances Allen born 1932/8/4

Life code: 9(9), 4(8), 4(10)

Fortune started at the age of 8: 3(7), 2(6), 1(5), 10(4), 9(3), 8(2), 7(1), 6(12), 5(11)

Frances Allen had too much Earth-Metal, so Water-Wood served as favor. (5)(4)(3)(2)(1)(12) is the Water-Wood semicircle. She spent most of her life in favor fortunes, hence her success. She won the Turing Award in 2007 which was the (12) year in the (1) fortune. She entered 5(11) fortune in 2020, at the age of 88, and she died in 2020, at the age of 88. Because (11) is Earth that contains Metal. Earth-Metal served as foe and caused her death.

The fortune of Robert Trump

Robert Trump born 1948/8/26

Life code: 5(1), 7(9), 10(8)

fortunes: 8(10), 9(11), 10(12), 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 5(5)

Robert Trump is the youngest brother of Donald Trump, he passed away today.

Obviously, Robert had too much Metal-Water, since (9) merges (1) to Water. He died in the (5) fortune because (9)(1)(5) formed a full merged to Water as foe, and the year 2020 is (1) which is the peak of Water. The cause of death is Covid-19. Once again, it shows people with Water as foe are extra dangerous in pandemic, like I said many times.

The fortune of Frances Famer

Frances Farmer born 1913/9/19 4:45 am

life code: 10(2), 8(10), 10(4), 1(3)

Fortune started at the age of 6: 9(11), 10(12), 1(1), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4).

Frances Farmer's life code is totally confrontational, (2) merged and supported (10) to Metal and crushed on Wood (4) and (3). Metal is stronger because (10) took the command. (12)(1)(2)(3)(4) are Water-Wood fortunes, hence her success. I mentioned that too hard of the crush is not a good thing, even it is favor crushing on foe. That's why she died in the (4) fortune: because the crush between (10) and (4) is too hard. I also mentioned esophageal cancer is caused by Metal-Wood crush in the fortune telling level, just search the word "esophageal cancer", you will see examples. And surely, France Famer's cause of death is esophageal cancer.

In her life code, Metal served as Shield, and Shield represents mom. Metal served as foe for her so her mom wasn't a positive aspect of her life.

The fortune of Herbert George Wells

Herbert George Wells born 1866/9/21 4:30 pm

life code: 3(3), 4(10), 6(12), 9(9).

fortune started at the age of 6: 5(11), 6(12), 7(1), 8(2), 9(3), 10(4), 1(5), 2(6)


The life code of Herbert George Wells is Wood vs. Metal. (3) and (12) are on the Wood side, (9) and (10) are on the side of Metal. Metal is stronger because (10) is taking the command. Therefore, Water-Wood served as favor. (12)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) is the Water-Wood semicircle. He lived most of his life in favor fortunes hence his success. And he died in the next fortune (6). Because (6) merged (10) to Metal as foe. The actual time of his death was the (8) day of the (9) month in the (11) year. All the codes were Earth-Metal that countered Water-Wood.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The fortune of Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann born 1933/9/14 2:30 am


























































Ingo Swann had too much Metal-Water, so Wood-Fire served as favor. (8)(7)(6)(5)(4)(3) is the Wood-Fire semicircle, hence his success, and he died in the next fortune (2) because it contains Metal-Water. The exact date of his death was the (10) day of the 10(2) month in the 9(5) year. As you can see, it was a Metal-Water extreme date.

In the previous blog, I mentioned people with strong Water could have mysterious power. Ingo Swann was known for having mysterious power.