Chester Nimitz born 1885.2.24 12:30 pm
Life code: 2(10), 5(3), 7(11), 9(7)
Fortune started at the age of 7: 4(2), 3(1), 2(12), 1(11), 10(10), 9(9), 8(8)
Obviously, Chester Nimitz had too much Fire as (3)(7)(11) formed a full merge to Fire, and his Metal (10) was vulnerable. Therefore, Fire served as foe and Metal served as favor.
Throughout his life, he had (2)(1)(12) the three steps of Water, and (11)(10)(9) the three steps of Metal. He was successful because he spent most of his life in favor fortunes, and died in the next fortune (8), because (8) starts the Wood-Fire semicircle. Nimitz had too much Fire because he had (3)(7)(11) which formed a full merge to Fire, and he died in a similar time, the (11) day of the (3) month in a (7) year. The time itself formed a full merge to Fire. Fire served as foe and caused his death.
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