Friday, November 24, 2017

Repost: a recommended time to give birth

A person’s mindset is shaped by the 10 characters. Some characters represent intelligence, such as Rebel and Shield. However, that statement is not accurate. In fact, different characters represent different aspects of mind. strictly, Rebel and Shield make people spiritual, like to think instead of do. Other characters are strong in some area of intelligence too. Is implementation capacity a part of intelligence? Of course it is. In short, using the most of any character can bring extraordinary mind. Why are we normal? Because our life codes have lots of features that restrain each others, none of those features really stand out and give its maximum. Which is why lots of clever people have the “through and through” structure. What is a “through and through” structure? It means same element for a column. For example: 2016 is a 3 (9) year. 3 is Fire, (9) is Metal, it is not a through and through year, the power is not united: Fire would attack the Metal below. Neither Fire nor Metal is at its maximum strength.

Sharon Stone, actress, famous for high IQ, born March 10, 1958

Jennifer Tilly, actress, champion poker player, born September 16, 1958

Evangelos Katsioulis, the smartest person measured by IQ test, born January 19, 1976

William James Sidis, the alleged smartest person ever (not proved), born April 1, 1898

Ludwig Wittgenstein born 26 April 1889

All those people have “through and through” year and month column. The through and through columns are rare. Out of the 60 possible columns, there are 8 of them: 5(11), 5(5), 6(2), 6(8), 7(9), 8(10), 1(3) and 2(4). 10(12), 9(1), 3(7) and 4(6) are not as perfect as the previous eight, because their Yin Yang properties are different. For example: 10(12) is Water on Water, but 10 is negative Water, (12) is positive Water.

Now you are facing a chance. 2018 is a 5(11) year. And there are 7(9), 8(10), 10(12) months in the year. I recommend you to give birth between August 7 and October 7. Because 7(9) month and 8(10) month are adjacent, you have two month to do the job, so you don’t miss it for premature birth.

Through and through person are extraordinary people. Be aware that unusual doesn’t equalize to good, it can be unusually bad. But it is a risk I will take.

I repost it now because now is the time. If you get pregnant now, you will give birth next August.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Open for business (2)

Although the transaction haven't go through, thanks to the reader, I think it's a good idea to do business this way. This is my rate of charge:

fortune telling: first people $100, $60 for the second people and more.

Best value: $5 for calculating life code and fortunes, you do your own analyze. You can send your analyze to me. If I am impressed, I will charge $10 more to direct you (telling you what's right and what's wrong in my opinion).

thanks to the hassle over PayPal, I found a safe way to use PayPal:, send your payment to PayPal, and your information to my Gmail:

Open for business (1)

Few days ago, I have a request from a reader:

Hi, I've more or less managed to finish reading your book and it's been quite an interesting read. I definitely feel like I have a basic understanding of the concept at this point, but I'm obviously still a novice. Anyway, mainly, the reason I'm making this comment is to ask you whether you would read a couple of life codes (for payment of course) and explore everything there is to know about those life codes; as well as an explanation how you've come to those conclusions. I feel like I would gain much clearer understanding and perspective and untie the nods that are still tied. I have 5 life codes in mind that I would like to have figured out. What I would want to know then is as much as there is to know about them as people from what can be observed reading their life code, as well as their future and past fortunes. As well as clear explanations for why that is. If you agree to this and if you have a paypal I can give the codes in a reply to your reply to this and send the money as pre-payment to your paypal email address (meaning you get the money first, so that you don't have to worry about whether I'm scheming). First I will confirm if you agree the codes I'll submit before sending the money though. If you agree to this then the price is up to you to suggest. Anyway, as I said I want everything so that would include all the bad things and negative things about the people as well as the positives. You can leave it as PDF file for people to read on here, since I suppose it will help a lot of people; you can just reply to my comment with an attachment to the file should we come to an agreement.

I agreed the request with a $300 pay. However, due to some problems we got with PayPal, the transaction haven’t completed yet. While I am waiting, I can give you another conversation I had with another reader. I will show you why did I say what I say, as well as the responses, like you have requested.

It was last year. A Romania girl first left a message under my blog: How accurate is fortune telling. She mentioned her grandmother is a psychic who can do card and coffee reading. She wonders “ if it's possible maybe you can make a reading of my life and I tell you how accurate it is, if I give you my birth date and time? :) If you also want to talk about these things, write me an e-mail to xxxxxxxx”

She gave me the following information:

Here is my birth date and time: 13.03.1991, time 16:27
My mother's: 23.10.1969, time 23:45
My grandmother's (maybe you can see something special at her, is her life code telling that she can do this fortune telling?): 13.02.1950, time 10 A.M.

This is my response and why:
Her life code: 8(8), 8(4), 9(7), 5(9)
Mother’s life code: 6(10), 1(11), 9(9), 7(1)
Grandma’s life code: 7(3), 5(3), 6(4), 6(6)
By nature, you and your mom are the same kind of person: quick thinking, able to change and adapt the environment really fast. (They both have 9 as the self code) Your grandma doesn’t like to change. She has a humble appearance, and great anger and pressure beneath (because she has self code 6). She is your grandma, so you probably can’t see her as a person.

Let’s start with you: you are a scholar type on the appearance (Shield on the frontline), business type beneath (Money in the basal line). I mean you are rational and cautious on the outside, realistic and rebellious inside. You look like an old fashion decent lady in front of strangers, but I know you can't keep a secret because you are a gossip girl inside (Talent in the basal line). You are nice and forgiving (Guardian serves as favor). You are dependent (Guardian serves as favor), that means you don’t rely on yourself, you rely on other people such as your mom (Guardian means mom).

Career wise, you cherish your possessions too much, so you don’t have the mentality to do speculation (she has Collector Money instead of Gambler Money). All your money is made by honest work, there’s no chance for unexpected wealth (Collector). In fact, you have some military qualities (the combination between 5 and 8), but I doubt if there are proper positions in the army for girls.

Parents wise, I can see that you are raised up and pampered by your mom (Guardian as favor). I can see the reason in your mom’s life code. She helped you a lot. You should stay close to her.

Although I said your mom is the same kind of person as you, she is way more confident than you (stronger). Maybe too confident (overall strong), so she is overly subjective. She is nice to people, but not so nice if you know her better, because she doesn’t really trust people (Blade). Therefore, she makes friends quick and loses friends quick (Blade). Another thing that she is different than you: she is more romantic and an art lover (the combination of Rose, Savior and Book). She is very shrewd, alert and observant; it is hard to take advantage over her. She likes to learn unusual tricks but not able to master something (Owl as foe).

Marriage wise, her Judge is merged by Gourmet, that could mean husband is attracted by a younger lover, or husband is obsessed by her performance. I think the first possibility is greater. You mom was good to your dad before 2004, but not after 2004 (Authority fortune before 2004). I wonder if they are still together.

Health wise, she is a late birth baby (Decimal hour code and decimal embryo code merge, zodiac hour code and zodiac embryo code next to each other). Her health problems are related to eat, either too much or not enough (Owl attacks Gourmet). And both of you have bone problems.

You can ask your grandma about relation questions, she has experiences, but mostly bad experience (Authority serves as foe). Her temper is worse than you think (too much Authority). She can tolerance a lot, but if she gets angry, it will be like an earthquake. Plus, she has the determination you don’t have, able to endure bad situations.

Your grandma is the disadvantage side in the marriage/relation, especially before 1982. After 1982, she gained some control over your grandpa. So 1982 was the turning year, her life is better after that year. (her fortune controls Authority after 1982)

Career wise, first she doesn’t value money very much (no Money in the life code), second, she has no crush or merge in life code, that means she didn’t make any change in her life. So I think she was just doing treadmill work (my way to say boring work). Health wise, her digest organ is the weakness (Earth being attacked by Wood), which would make her vomit. Someone in her family is disabled, could be herself. I don’t see her having special ability, but I can see that she was scared by strange things (too much Authority underneath).

About your marriage, I recommend people who is born 1989. 1985 and 1984 men are the worst. You have high requirement of the man’s appearance (Rose on the spouse position). And the relation between you is: You want to manage him (Money at the spouse position). 

Fortune wise, You life was the best before 2008 (age 17). And 2018 will not be a good year for you.

Her Response:

It is pretty much accurate, the best one is about my grandma. She indeed never changed anything about her life. She has been working as a secretary at the same office since she was 17 (still does).  She had a very bad marriage with my grandpa but never left him, although she could. She had a boy child that died in 1981 from a vaccine. And indeed after this year she tried to control better her life and grandpa and she did. She does have a good endurance, she has been through a lot but has a strong psychic. I believe you when you say "she is worse than you think", I always thought she was sort of manipulative. For example, one of the things she did was destroying her another child's marriage, my uncle, by telling him that his wife is a very bad woman who wishes bad for him, who doesn't love him, who cheats on him and that their boy child isn't actually his. She thought that because the boy didn't look neither like his mother nor like his father, so she thought he must look like somebody else. They made a DNA test which said that the boy was indeed his child, but my grandma argued that it is fake because his wife refused to do the DNA test for months before she finally agreed and she said that his wife must have payed to bribe somebody to get a positive test. And the thing is that my uncle believed her and got divorced. She manipulated him with her cards. He made a second DNA test after some time, my uncle got a sample and sent it somewhere to a different lab he found online. It was again positive and my grandma said that the company must be a fraud, because the DNA test wasn't that expensive as it should and probably the firm is fraud and tells everybody positive in order not to cause troubles. And my uncle still tends to believe her, it is unbelievable how yielding he is! I think all this story is outrageous! When I suggested he should't live his life by suppositions and that grandma tries too much to influence his life, he got mad at me, he sees grandma as a very kind person. If you'd like to look more into that matter, his dates are: 25.08.1977, time 07:45 A.M. (He heard about your readings from my grandma and he wanted one, could you do it for him, please?)

About my mother, it is true that she divorced my father. She divorced him in 2001 but gave him a second chance and remained with him until the end of 2003 when they started living separately. It is true what you said about her personality, except I don't see her as too romantic or an art-lover, she never cared about art, I am the one who loves art, music, painting but the most literature and I even hope to be able to write something some day. My mom is able to throw it away like garbage, she is practical and only cares about money, at least this is how I see her. Also, she raised me but I can't say she helped me too much or that she pampered me. She was pretty aggressive with me when I was a kid because she gets angry very quickly. I wanted to run away from home some times because of her. And about me, I don't see myself as a person dependent of others, in the way of relying on others. Since I was little, I was able to do everything I wanted and by myself, because my mother let me do everything I wanted and by myself, I left home in the morning and came home in the evening and she didn't even ask where I was and what I did, so I can't say she took much care of me. She let me travel alone long distances by train when I was 10 years old, or go alone to the beach when I was a child. I could have drowned in the sea, or get kidnapped, right? She didn't even check my homework, never, not even when I was 7 years old and she didn't even care if I got bad grades. She let me go alone to school since I was 6-7 years old, and school was in the other side of the city, I went by bus and crossed alone many streets. I always felt like she neglected me, like a lack of care. But she beat me up if I let my room untidy. Cleaning was all she ever cared about. I can't say she gave me an education or that she tried to help me find my way in life. She was just there to provide food, clothes, but not doing much otherwise. I educated myself, by listening to the teachers at school and by reading many books, because reading was my hobby. I was going to my friends' homes and saw their parents being caring, kind, protective, mine were never like this. And we were very poor when I was little and an adolescent, so I decided that I have to do a profession in which I am able to be financially independent and stable, because I have nobody to rely on and I never thought or wanted to have to rely on a husband, for nothing. And I always studied and learned very well and got very good grades, although my mother never pushed me into this direction. So, I became a doctor because I liked biology, this year I graduated. I went to a faculty which is far, in the other side of the country and I only came home to visit twice a year. So, I left home at 19. It is true that my parents supported me financially until this point, otherwise I couldn't do it, medicine is hard and, at least in my country, takes up all your time, sometimes you have classes 8-12 hours a day and presence is compulsory, so you can't work at the same time. I never relied on anybody, I did what I thought it was best for me and everything was planned so that I get totally independent financially and to be able to find a good, safe job anywhere. What is true about my mother is that she did make sacrifices for me, at least she says so, and if she has something, she would give it to me, she is not selfish. If I want something and she can give it to me, she does; she would even make a bank loan or sell her house for me, if I needed it. Now, soon I want to go to Germany to work there as a doctor because it is well paid, and she says that if I need, she would come with me so I am not lonely there or that if I have a child she would come to me to help me raise him. But until now, she didn't spoil me, didn't help me much or did things for me. But I know her heart is good and that she would. Maybe she will in the future, as she says, and that's why it appears in her/mine life codes. Even during faculty, my father was the one who sustained me financially and my grandma from my father, because my mother didn't have much money. But you can say I am dependent, not that I rely on others for things, but that I am emotionally dependent. I don't like to be lonely, I get dependent on my partner emotionally, I think, and I don't care much about my career or money, I mean it doesn't make me happy, what would make me happy would be a happy marriage and a happy family life which I never had. Love would make me happy, I am dependent of others to be happy. I can be the best doctor in the world and have all the money, if I don't feel loved, I can't be happy. I don't know about the military job, but I think I am authoritarian sometimes.

I don't think my father was mom's husband that liked younger women, perhaps her present partner, because he is 9 years older than her.

My response:
His uncle’s life code: 4(6), 5(9), 1(3), 5(5)
Your uncle is an interesting fellow, very expressive, smart and skillful (Good Talent Money structure). His life code There must be lots of women falling for him (Too much Money). He is an expressive person now, but he was even more expressive when he was teenager (Talent fortune for teenage).

Personality wise, Your uncle is a businessman, very generous and up-straight (Gambler Money). He likes everything in order and classic stuffs. He doesn’t like unexpected changes. If you put him in a stable environment, he can do really well (self code 1). On the other hand, his style is extreme, exciting, high risk; and his career is full of changes (Gambler-Slaughter). The two things seems contradict each other, but they are not and co-exist in your uncle.
Health wise, he loses hair, and could go to jail if not careful (self code 1 born in Fall season).

About his marriage, I think his wife helped him a lot (spouse position as favor). But I can see the problem: that they compete too much (Strength at the spouse position). I don’t know what it feel like because that is not my relation with my wife, I imagine it’s like the movie, Juex d' enfents, both the couple cannot take a step back, what probably is a big reason they got divorced.

Right now he is in the best time of his life, since 2013, and there are almost 30 years of good fortune ahead, so he will be very successful. (Water-Wood fortune)

Her final response:

Thank you very much! I want to add that my mother was totally impressed by your fortune reading and she says she is, indeed, romantic and an art-lover and that she helped me as much as she could. I will buy your book from Amazon too see how things work and read it when I will have time, although I understand it is not easy and I think it requires a lot of experience to get things right in life codes. I would like to help you somehow, but I don't know how. If I can ever help you with something, maybe medical, information, just tell me.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The fortune of Yi Eun

Yi Eun born 1897/10/20



Yi Eun was the 28th Head of the Korean Imperial House, an Imperial Japanese Army general, and the last crown prince of Korea. Although his posthumous title is prince, he was in fact the last Emperor of Korea Empire. He was crowned 1927/4/27. His emperorship is not recognized because Imperial Japan was defeated.

Japan merged Korea in 1910. The royal family of Yi was absorbed into Japanese royal family. He was assigned a Japanese wife who was a princess of Japan. It was a political marriage. But royal marriages are always political, even Edward VIII couldn’t marry whoever he wanted. Fortunately, his wife was virtuous. She changed her name to Yi, and tried hard to be a Korean. In 1922, upon Korean’s request, the Yi family went to Korean to re-hold the wedding ceremony. During their stay, Korean nationalists poisoned Yi Eun’s 8-month-old son, because this successor of Empire was half Japanese.

Yi Eun received military education, and he performed professionally in actual combat. Japan was defeated 1945, the fate of Yi Eun fell to the bottom. The American forced Japan to abolish the royal family, and taxed them to the impossible level. As a royal member, warfare was all Yi had learned. Yi lost everything including his Japanese nationality. His wife abandoned Japanese nationality as well to be with him.

The Yi couple were both registered as Koreans in Japan, but they cannot return to Korean. The president of Korea Syngman Rhee was a distant relative of the royal family, he was afraid that the legitimate royal could have too much influence. The Korean war started 1950, military experts were extremely needed. After Hong Sa-ik’s execution, the only South Korean General officer who knows how to fight was the Emperor Yi Eun. The American suggested Syngman Rhee to take Yi back and appoint him as the defense minister. Of course, Rhee refused it. The King returns as the defense minister? What about the president?

So Rhee repressed Yi even harder. He confiscated all properties of the Yi family in Korea, and refused to give passport to any of the Yis. In order to live, Yi started to sell house, cars, furniture and cloths in Japan. His son went to USA as a refugee because of Rhee’s repression.

In 1958, Yi visited his son’s graduation ceremony in USA, but he couldn’t afford the return ticket, a Japanese movie producer funded him $5000. In the same year, after suffering a variety of tragedies, Yi had a stroke and had no money for the treatment. His son worked at a laundry shop. Koreans poured into the shop to humiliate him. Japanese still respected him as a royal. They didn’t use him to wash clothes, and gave lot of helps, such as helping solve the passport problem with Japanese embassy.

Park Chung-hee overthrow the Syngman Rhee government and became the new president of Korea in 1961. Like Yi Eun, Park Chung-hee also received Japanese military education, and served Imperial Japanese Army. After taking office, Park released goodwill to Yi Eun immediately. He ordered Korean government to pay for Yi’s medical treatment. He also recognized the Korean nationality of the Yi family. In 1963, Yi returned to his birth place Seoul on stretcher. He died there in 1970 for stroke, with his wife accompanied the side. He was given a was given a state funeral by President Park. After his death, his wife remained in Korea, she spoke Korean, dressed Korean. She sold her work and set up charity foundations for helping Korean physically challenged people. Her Japanese relatives have continued supporting her charity foundations even after her death in 1989.

Yi Eun was an overall strong with Authority and Talent. They couldn’t be both favors. His birth hour is unknown but he was political, which is a hint that Authority served as the favor. In another word, his favor was Fire. As an overall strong, Earth-Metal served as foe. (8)(7)(6) are the three steps of Fire fortune. He was crowned in the (8) fortune. He had best time in his life in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, because Emperor Meiji kept his promise that Yi Eun would have the treatment same as Japanese royals and Emperor Taishō. Japanese was defeated 1945. It was the (10) year of the (6) fortune. (10) merged (6) to Metal as foe. The year was not only bad itself, it also changed the fortune from good to bad. Since 1951, the fortune moved to (5) which was Water tomb and would merge (10) to Metal as foe. So 1950s was the hardest time in his life.

Since 1961, the fortune moved to (4). (4) merged (11) to Fire as favor. So the fortune came back to him. President Park Chung-hee was elected 1961. As we know that president Park was key for Yi Eun’s return to Korean as well as his senior life expense.

As an overall strong, Earth and Metal served as foe. (11) is Earth that contains Metal, so (11) years were always bad for him: he lost his first son 1922; he had his first stroke 1958; and he died for stroke in 1970. These are all (11) years.