Thursday, June 18, 2020

The restarting time sucks

I wrote about the ups and downs of Lazio for the years long ago. Most of my predictions have came true. The basis of what I wrote is mostly from Simone Inzaghi's fortune. Because he has the most influence to the team's strength. I wrote  that 2016 and 2017 would be good progressing years, 2018 would be the low, 2019 would be the comeback and 2020 would be the climax. Because (9) and (10) are Metal years, (11) is the bounce back of Fire in the Metal-Water semicircle, (12) and (1) are Water years, and (1) is the peak of Water. So I have been looking for 2020 since 4 years ago. I knew it would be a miracle year for Lazio. Things were developed as I expected except the suspension due to Covid-19.

There's nothing we can do about the virus, but the restarting time sucks my ass over 9000. Because June 20 to August 2 is right within the (7) and (8) month. The strongest Fire-Earth months in the year. The great fortune brought by the year (1) will be minimized by the months, which is the worst case scenario for Lazio. I was very glad to see a plan to reopen Serie A in August, cancel the summer break, and go straight in the next season. That was the best scenairo for Lazio. Let me put it this way: if the season go through the (9) month which is after August the 7th, Lazio will win this with 100 percent guarantee. If the season go through the (5) month like a normal season, Lazio will win this as well. But the finalized restarting time of Serie A gives the most hardship to Lazio, the most month and date can do to counter the year. We may still win because it is (1) year after all. But only I know we can do much better. In fact, June 24 is the 5(11) day of the (7) month. That's the most Fire-Earth in the month and date, we will see how much power it has to block us.

Let's say Lazio eventually ended up the second, I am sure that most Lazio fans, Lottito and Tare will be happy with the result. Only I would know how unlucky we are, and how big of an opportunity we just missed. They may see the future with hope. But I can see the full picture, I know this is it. This is the peak. God know how many years we will have to wait to have another chance. You know what, let me tell you the future right now. The magic of Inzaghi will run out after the 2021 season, Immobile will also start to decline after 2021. So the ideal exit strategy is to sell them after another season. That's the maximum benefit for the club. Sell them to Juven, Inter or Milan, I know they are after them, and they are not ready for their decline.

Another thing this schedule screws me is the opening time for the next season. Instead of opening a season in August, they decided to open it in October. In the 3(11) month in another word. Not only it is another worst month in the year, it skipped (9) and (10) month for the break. The schedule just screw me over and over. Everything falls to worst possible position. You know why Immobile always score more goals in the beginning of the season? Because he has Fire as foe, Metal as favor. The strongest Fire code in his life is (6), and (6) can be merged to Metal by (10). A new season always starts in the (10) month. Now we have to skip it.

Knowing too much is painful. This is just another aspect of my life ruined by the virus. If you don't know who made it, you may take it without resentment. And I know exactly how this shit came out. It pisses me because I know someone is blamable, and you can do nothing about it. Let me say this, this is a technology introduced to China in 2005. The proper intend of the technology is to make detergent of pig farms.

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