Saturday, September 3, 2016

Answer of the case study

Case Study:

Male: 3(3), 9(5), 5(5), 7(9)

What kind of person do you think this is?

Answer: If you present this life code to me, the first thing I can tell is: this person is very successful. The self code Earth has two strong roots including the commander code, so he is an overall strong that able to take Talent, Money or Authority. The strength level of your life code measures how stubborn your are. For overall strong people, having Talent, Money or Authority as favor means they use their stubbornness to pursuit fame, wealth or status. Not having any efficient weakening character means they have no where to spend their stubbornness. This guy has two Money tombs (5); and (9) (5) merge to Water as Money. His Money is very strong and he is able to keep it in tomb. Overall strong with Money as favor means he has determination and uses the determination for making money. Of course he can make a lot of money.

There are a lot of people's life codes that are overall strong with Money as favor structure. But there is one real special thing about this life code: he has Fire as Shield, and Water as Money, but his Water and Fire don't crush each other. To explain it: the root of Fire is (3) that is Wood contains Fire; and the Water is merged by (5) and (9). Normally, (9) would crush (3). But his (9) and (3) are separated by double (5)s. (9) would crush (3) because Metal overcomes Wood, but his (9) merges with (5) and becomes Water, and Water supports (3). The relation between (9) and (3) is totally twisted for harmony. All the Water is stored in Water tomb (5), so you don't have to worry about too much Water may flood the Fire. In short, this guy's Shield and Money are in a strange harmony.

So what does it mean? Well, Shield represents scholar qualities; Money represents material desires. On the other hand, I also mentioned that Fire represents literature; Water represents sexual abilities. By chance, this guy has Fire as Shield and Water as Money. Usually a scholar type people will not be very voluptuous because Shield and Money don't fit. But this guy is different. Technically, he is an writer, editor and culture researcher; one the other hand, he is known as a playboy. The two qualities fits seamless.

Two more thing about him: first, his fortune goes forward from (5), so they are (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(1)... As you can see, he has Fire fortunes first and Metal-Water fortunes later. So he gets hornier when he is older. Second, he has no Authority at all, so he has no feel of restriction. You should know the person's ID by now: he is Hugh Hefner, the creator of Playboy. He was born April 9, 1926, 4:20 PM.

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