Jürgen Klopp born 1967/6/16
Slaughter |
Judge |
Ego |
4 |
3 |
8 |
(8) |
(7) |
(12) |
Owl |
Slaughter |
Rebel |
Gambler |
Collector |
Gourmet |
Rebel |
Comrade |
Pirate |
Owl |
Guardian |
2 |
1 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
(6) |
(5) |
(4) |
(3) |
(2) |
(1) |
(12) |
(11) |
3 |
13 |
23 |
33 |
43 |
53 |
63 |
73 |
1970 |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2010 |
2020 |
2030 |
2040 |
I wrote Jurgen Klopp's life code before, and I concluded that he had Metal-Water as favor, Wood-Fire as foe. Since 2022, Wood-Fire years are coming, that's why he seems to lost his magic.
The correct way to use Jurgen Klopp is to buy him for the Metal-Water years and sell him in the Wood-Fire years.
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