Sunday, October 4, 2020

The fortune of Bill Gates

 Bill Gates born 1955/10/28

Life code: 2(8), 3(11), 9(11), 7(11)

fortune started 1962, at the age of 7: 2(10), 1(9), 10(8), 9(7), 8(6), 7(5), 6(4), 5(3) 

Bill Gates yields to Fire-Earth, that's a tested fact. Although there is a controversy about his birth hour, it is a tested that he has Fire-Earth as favor which means he yields. The Fire fortunes are (8)(7)(6) which is 1982 to 2012. Obviously that's his success period. We can even zoom in and look at the years to prove that he has Fire as favor and Water as foe:

(7) is the peak of Fire so the best years of Bill gates started 1992

Year 1993, 10(10), is the first year in the 9(7) fortune. The year was Metal and Water as foe, but the fortune was good. Nothing bad happened to Bill Gates because fortune is stronger than year, (10) is Rose for Bill Gates, so he got married in that year.

Year 1994, 1(11), (11) can be merged to Fire. His wealth was grown rapidly in that year. Because he spent too much money on his wedding and collection such as the Codex Leicester, people think he should donate some of his money. Bill Gates refused the public demand because (11) is his Money storage, the nature of storage is to store.

1995, 2(12), was a good year. (12) grows 2, 2 serves as Talent grows Money. Talent represents product, so he wrote his book in that year.

In 1996, the year is (1), (1) crushes (7) indicates Bill Gates had fierce competition. In this year, Bill Gates defeated his major enemy; his wealth was grown to 18.5 billion, made him the richest person in the world for the first time.

In 1997, (2), (8) and (11) construct a punishment; Bill Gates dropped from the top of the Forbes list, and he was being investigated government of United States.

1998 was a 5(3) year, (3), (7) and (11) formed a full merge to Fire, the power of Fire reached the peak. It was the best year in the best fortune, which made biggest success: Windows 98 was the biggest success in the history of Microsoft.

1999 was a 6(4) year, (4) and (11) merged and became Fire again. His wealth reached the peak of those years at $90 billion.

2000 was 7(5). 7(5) is Metal on Water tomb. (11) was crushed with the year (5). Money storage being opened indicates money came out: Bill Gate's wealth dropped from $90 billion to $60 billion, and his company Microsoft almost got dismembered.

2001 was 8(6) year. A Fire year, Microsoft survived the law suit and started to recover.

2002 was 9(7), the fortune came to 8(6). Recover continued.

2003 was 10(8), the fortune was 8(6). Recover continued.

2004 was 1(9), 2005 was 2(10), the foe Metal reached its peak. Those were the busiest years for Microsoft’s legal team because Bill Gates had so many lawsuits and troubles in those two years.

2006 was 3(11), the favor Fire and Fire storage came back. Most lawsuits ended in this year, and Bill Gates was back on the top of the Forbes list.

2007 4(12), Water years started. Some politics happened inside Microsoft, Bill Gates resigned the chairman position, Windows Vista was an epic fail and he lost the top position on the Forbes list again.

2008 5(1), (1) is the peak of Water. Bill Gates retired from Microsoft. 

The previous content proves Water serves Bill Gates as foe, and it is very obvious. So when does he have the most Water in his life time? It is 2020. The year (1) merges fortune (5) to Water. That's why the reputation of Bill Gates dropped to the bottom.

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